I told Chris on Saturday that I wanted to clean out his toy box and put the stuff away (like I did with his books... I left him ten books). But it's tough to find time to tackle the project since I can't do it with him around or face a tantrum, and when Ben's not around, Anna still is. Yesterday, since Anna was awake but not screaming, and Ben was upstairs in bed for a nap, I tackled it. I conquered.
Here is a photo essay of the experience:

The "before" picture. I pretty much kicked all the toys in the room towards the toy box and took a picture.

I put Anna in her Bumbo seat. She looked at me with a bewildered look on her face and then started screaming her cute little head off. She had decided she was hungry. For the first part of the sort, I had her on my lap, latched on. With one hand, I pulled stuff out of the toy box and threw it over her head into the storage bin.

After I got done feeding her, I finished the sort. This is a picture of the organized chaos. The items on the floor were things I was keeping out but needed a home. Anna was relatively happy lying on the floor. She's not a fan of the Bumbo yet. I have hopes for it, though.

I kept his favorite dump trucks, his Clifford hat, his favorite stuffed creatures, his large-sized building blocks, his alligator boots, his favorite baseball cap, his favorite book-of-the-moment and his activity block with the whirly wires on it. I really don't think he'll notice or mind that much.

The rest of the stuff was just static in our lives. It's not like I'm throwing out the other items; they are going into the attic. They'll come out again when Anna is old enough and we need some fresh toys. By the way... she's getting to be an awfully cute, chubby baby, isn't she?