Can you guess?
I'm making quilts! I went to the fabric store with my little family last night to buy fabrics to make a quilt for Katie and her little Mallory who will be born in May, and I decided that I might as well make one for Abigail, my niece due to arrive at the end of March. Who knows? Maybe my sister is incubating a daughter as well. I'm prepared to shower them all with a beautiful quilt.
This morning, I'm prewashing the fabrics (lots of reds and pinks that will probably bleed lots). Later, I'll iron them and prep to start cutting dozens and dozens of squares. I'm really excited about how it'll look, though I'm rather nervous about everything not matching up. I'm using Ben's blankie as a template, and since it was so expertly crafted by Dear Dorothy, I have a really high standard to live up to.
Here are the fabrics I'm using. Yay! And no, I'm not expecting to be able to pin and use the sewing machine while I'm on kid duty. I figure I can cut the squares and strips, but I don't think Ben could keep his hands off of the sewing machine. I knew I couldn't when I was little. How my mother's sewing machine survived the Cheryl Torture is beyond me.