Sunday, June 01, 2008

Blessing the Nana

I know I blog about my mom a lot. I can't help it. She's a big part of our lives, and she's my best friend.

This summer she's dedicated herself to coming down every single Wednesday for 10 weeks to watch BenAnna so I can go to work without having to pay for daycare. It's such a relief, and such a blessing.

That's on top of countless other ways she blesses us. She cooks meals for us, takes us grocery shopping, loves our children immeasurably. I'm left with an overwhelming drive to bless her back.

Last weekend, we went up north to spend Memorial Day with my parents. After the house survived a very close lightning strike, we found an easy opportunity to bless them. Chris was able to step right in and figure out the computer mess.

We woke up the next morning and, with their permission, cleaned out their garage, which hadn't been cleaned for over 10 years. It was hard, dirty labor, but we weren't upset about that. It just felt so good to help them. Okay. I'll be honest. It was VERY dirty work, and I swore a few times... like when I found a dead mouse.

This past week, Chris was busy getting their new Mac Mini set up and working. That's right. My parents have given in to the dark side and have purchased the beautiful, dual-boot Mac Mini. The best of both worlds. We're thrilled because it means that we can remote into their machine if it breaks.

We went up there again on Saturday to set it up. While Chris was putting together the finishing touches on their new system, my mom asked me to go through the piles of paper and things that had been stashed in the desk. It was enough to fill a laundry basket. Lots when into the burnables bag, but I organized the rest into a filing system.

If you were following me on Twitter, you'll have a hint at the other Bless Nana Project I've been working on. My mom is the area president for her Aglow women's group. It's a Christian organization for women that meets every month with various speakers. She recently found herself without a publicity person, and I offered to fill in, eventually taking on the job permanently.

I designed a logo and put together a couple templates for the monthly poster and the postcards. That was fun. The upsettedness (it's a word) happened when I tried to do a mail merge in Microsoft Word.

I've never been a fan of Word. I find the invisible, automatic formatting to be clumsy and counter-intuitive. That's fancy talk for: I can't use it. Chris finally saved the day, and the merge eventually happened. Over a hundred postcards later, she's set for June. The good news is, once the dang template is set up, I shouldn't have any problem next month.

So that's the fun that happens when I get to do stuff for my mom. Highs and lows. Compliments from my mom about my technical writing capabilities (that made my whole week, by the way). A new computer. An organized garage that's almost clean enough for Ben to play in. Heck yeah!